Mini-Trampolines Outperform This “Go-To” for At-Home Workouts
Want to add some flair to your workout routine? Then put the mini-trampoline on your must-have list. Not only is it affordable and easy to add to your home gym, but jumping on a mini-trampoline (otherwise known as rebounding) can be a great addition to your fitness routine. It’s also low-impact, so just about anyone can do it! Let’s unpack what rebounding is, some of the amazing health benefits it offers, and how you can quickly get started with a mini-trampoline in your home.
What is Rebounding?
Rebounding is an aerobic exercise that you do on a mini-trampoline. But before you write this off as a piece of gym equipment that will only get used by the kids, take note. Rebounding is a great low-impact workout that is also highly effective – even in short bursts. A 30-minute jump session on a mini-trampoline or rebounder can burn around 300-500 calories, depending on your height and weight. That puts it in the same calorie burn category as running… but far gentler on your joints! It’s also a great full-body workout. A rebounder or mini-trampoline works out the muscles in your legs, butt, core, and back. Plus, it will help you build endurance — all while having a little fun. Because it is so gentle on your joints, rebounding has gained in popularity over the last few years, making starting a routine fairly simple. There are numerous workout routines available online or through local classes that can be tailored to help you reach your health goals.
6 Health Benefits of Rebounding
We’ve already touched on how rebounding is a great low-impact cardio workout. It’s also a fun and safe workout option for almost any age and fitness level. Kids (with adult supervision), adults, and older people can all reap the benefits of rebounding, regardless of their starting fitness level. Here’s a quick list of some of the top ways rebounding can help you take your fitness (and health) to the next level:
#1: Works out your core.
Strengthening your core muscles not only helps you reduce back and neck pain but also helps improve your posture, balance, and coordination. This proves useful to kids and athletes, adults working to maintain their chiropractic adjustments longer, as well as senior adults who are at risk for falls.
#2: Improves your endurance.
Any activity that gets your body up and moving helps improve your endurance. However, this study shows that the impact rebounding has on your body (specifically looking at heart rate and oxygen intake) was 68% greater than working out on a treadmill. And that was just a 19-minute workout!
#3: Burns fat.
Rebounding is also a great way to help you lose weight. According to this study published by the American Council on Exercise, men burn an average of 12.4 calories per minute while women burn an average of 9.4 calories per minute. That’s the same as running 6 miles per hour (on flat ground) or biking 14 miles per hour! And if you’re looking at fat burning, rebounding also scores high in that. A study published in the International Journal of Sports Science found that rebounding was 50% more effective at burning fat than running.
#4: Flushes toxins and strengthens your immune system.
Rebounding also stimulates your lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is basically the metabolic garbage can of your body. This is where all the toxins are dumped, including bacteria, dead cells, and other waste products. Rebounding helps stimulate your internal organs to flush out the toxins. Detoxification also has the added benefit of helping strengthen your immune system.
#5: Supports your bones.
Gentle bouncing can significantly impact those with osteoporosis or older adults who are working to maintain and build bone strength. Studies show that rebounding helps improve bone density, bone strength, and bone formation.
#6: Strengthens your pelvic floor.
This is a game-changer for moms looking to rebuild their pelvic floor after childbirth as well as helping those who suffer from urinary incontinence and hip problems. Tip: If you have pelvic floor or hip issues, it’s best to start by avoiding double-foot jumps and making sure at least one foot is in contact with the mini-trampoline at all times. You can also help engage your pelvic floor muscles by squeezing a soft, squishy ball between your knees or thighs.
How to Get Started
Because rebounding classes are growing in popularity, a quick search online will show any classes near year. You can also purchase a mini-trampoline for your own home. If you decide to buy a mini-trampoline, just make sure it is good quality and can handle an adult’s weight. We recommend looking for a mini-trampoline or rebounder that can hold at least 220 to 250 lbs. Some larger trampolines can even support more weight. Just look at product specifications before you buy. If space is an issue, no worries there either. Many rebounders also have a convenient fold-away feature for easy storage.
At-Home Exercises for the Mini-Trampoline
Here are a few beginning exercises to get you started with your rebounder workout. To lengthen your workout, you can add more exercises or simply repeat this list. Also, put your trampoline routine to a fun playlist, and you’ll be finished before you know it!
Health Bounce (warm-up)
Step onto the rebounder with your feet shoulder-width apart, and your knees slightly bent. Begin bouncing, making sure you’re only jumping one to two inches off the trampoline and that you engage your core for stability. If you’re working on strengthening your pelvic floor, keep your feet on the trampoline as you bounce. Warm up for 1-2 minutes.
Basic Jog
Once you’ve warmed up, you can switch to jogging in place. Beginners will want to raise their knees only a couple of inches. You can make it more challenging by raising your knees higher, working up to high knees where your thighs are parallel to the ground. Be sure to engage your core and move your arms just as if you’re running outside. 30 – 60 seconds.
Keeping your feet on the trampoline, shuffle your right foot forward, pointing your toes up, then switch to your left foot forward with your toes up. Shuffle your feet back and forth on the trampoline while you gently bound. Repeat 30-60 seconds.
Jumping Jacks
Next, you can add jumping jacks to your routine. Jump your feet out while lifting your arms overhead, then bring your feet back together as you bring your arms back to your sides. Again, keep your core engaged for stability, and make sure you’re jumping down into the mini-trampoline. Repeat 10 – 20 times.
Bring your feet together and keep your legs together as close as possible while you jump. As your feet twist right, twist your arms to the left. When your feet twist left, twist your arms to the right. Remember to keep your core engaged for stability. Repeat 10 times on each side.
Stand with your feet together, then bounce side to side with your knees slightly bent like you would when you ski. Increase the difficulty by raising your knees higher when you bounce. Repeat 10 times on each side.
Weight Jumps
Once you are comfortable jumping on the mini-trampoline, you can add hand weights to increase the intensity. Start with light weights (2-3 lbs.) then gradually add more weight for longer periods as your strength increases.
Online Mini-trampoline Workouts
To help you get started, we also scoped out some of the top online workouts you can do for free. Take a look even before you buy a rebounder as it gives you a great idea of what a rebounding workout includes.
For Weight Loss
For Cardio and Strength Training
For Balance and Rejuvenation
Mini-trampoline Workout Safety Tips
Always check with your health provider before you begin a new exercise routine.
Stop immediately if you feel shortness of breath, pain, or any other warning signs to your health.
Make sure your mini-trampoline is firmly positioned on a flat, solid surface.
Always warm up and cool down to help avoid injury.
Switch up movements on your rebounder so you aren’t working out the same muscles.
Start with a shorter workout first and gradually add more time as you build strength and endurance. We recommend starting with 10 minutes and then working your way up to 20 or 30 minutes.
Be sure to put up your mini-trampoline when not in use if you have small children at home. If you choose to let your child onto the rebounder, make sure they are being supervised by a responsible adult to avoid injury.
All content provided on is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional medical advice or replace the advice given by your healthcare provider. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet, lifestyle, or medical treatment plan.