Comments from Dr. Esposito
You can start increasing your walking by simply parking at the farthest aspect of a parking lot when you go shopping. That will force you to get moving. However, before you begin walking longer distances, I recommend that you purchase supportive shoes designed for walking (no high heels ladies). Using shoes that are virtually slippers for the outdoors or shoes with no arch support will eventually cause a breakdown in the structure of the foot and consequently cause pain. Unfortunately, the average American spends a significant amount of time standing on concrete, which is quite unforgiving, and is known to breakdown the normal mechanics of your foot. Without proper support, this process will accelerate quicker than you would expect.
If you notice an odd wear pattern in the back of your heels and/or you experience foot pain while walking, you should have your feet checked by a chiropractor who specializes in ankle and foot conditions. The foot pain and the abnormal wear pattern are signs of a condition called “pronation” which is caused by a collapse of the normal arch support of your foot. If you are suffering from a fallen arch, it will not only cause foot pain but it can lead to chronic knee pain and lower back pain.
Repositioning the bones in the foot with specific chiropractic adjustments and casting a custom orthotic to support your foot (as pictured below) will decrease pain, reduce your risk of arthritis and get you back into a healthy walking program!
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