An excess of abdominal gas leaves the body in three main ways: abdominal bloating, belching, and flatus. The average person passes gas around 12 to 25 times each day, but it is generally not noticeable, and large, frequent expulsions of gas are not typical. Instead when air instead gets trapped in the colon or small bowel, abdominal bloating is seen. Air that is swallowed may stick around in the stomach until a person belches. To combat these uncomfortable situations, natural remedies can be used to decrease intestinal gas and prevent embarrassing releases.
Natural remedies for belching
Several herbal remedies are helpful for preventing belching. Some of the best natural ways to beat belching are already in the average person’s kitchen.
Ginger is an excellent remedy for bloating and other abdominal issues. A cup of ginger tea not only stops belching, it can also soothe the digestion system. Ginger in foods works too, but for people who do not like the taste, ginger supplements are a useful alternative.
Cardamom is another spice that when put on food may reduce the need to belch. It helps to relax overactive stomachs to sooth muscle spasms that contribute to belching. As with ginger, supplements of cardamom are available for anyone who doesn’t like the taste.
A glass of relaxing chamomile tea following meals helps abdominal gas to move through the system instead of being released with belching.
Taming flatulence naturally
Flatulence may be natural, but it is no fun for anyone. Eating pumpkin is an excellent way to prevent unwanted flatulence. Pumpkin pie, pumpkin soup, and other dishes with pumpkin help to calm an upset stomach and reduce gas.
A simple post-meal drink made from 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in a cup of lukewarm water with a teaspoon of baking soda makes for a soothing balm to decrease spasms.
When eating foods known to cause gas, adding some rosemary, sage, and thyme can counteract the gassy effects. Herbs may also be used externally to fight flatulence. A nice belly rub with herbs like cinnamon, clove, and fennel relieves gas. The ginger and cardamon used to stop belching can be massaged into the abdomen to help with flatulence too.
Natural ways to reduce abdominal bloating
Abdominal bloating is uncomfortable and often unnecessary. Intestinal gas may not actually make the abdomen bigger but it can feel that way. Activated charcoal is known to absorb excess intestinal gas. It offers the added bonus of absorbing toxins. Charcoal supplements should be taken in advance of meals to prevent abdominal bloating.
Parsley is a simple, natural way to fight gas and bloating. Minced or dried, parsley can cut down on problems caused by excess gas.
These natural remedies can cut down on abdominal gas and the unpleasant symptoms it causes. Eating more slowly and taking post-meal walks may help as well. Generally, avoiding unhealthy processed and fried foods reduces gas problems. Refined sugar could be behind episodes of abdominal gas too.
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