12 Ways Your Sex Life Makes You Healthier

Couple laying in bed - benefits of sex

There are surprising benefits of sex, which extend well beyond the bedroom. Sex not only feels good, but it can be good for you too. This is shown by the fact that sexually active people take fewer sick days. Health Benefits of Healthy Sex Some of the health benefits of having a healthy sex life […]

Breathing Exercises Stop Panic Attacks and Anxiety

girl breathing fresh air in park

Breathing and oxygenation are critical to avoiding stress primarily because they keep acidosis away. Blood tends to be alkaline because the vital combustion taking place in the body are mostly acid in character. Alkalinity of the blood allows chemical processes to move acid from the tissues to discharge points such as the lungs, kidneys, and […]

Get Better Digestion with Pineapple

slice pineapple on a wood cutting board - mucus-fighting foods

Going out for dinner? Forget the wine, and bring a pineapple instead. Nothing tastes better than freshly juiced pineapple. Look at its geometric-patterned skin and spikey green leaves. In the Colonial U. S., families used the pineapple as a centerpiece that became the symbol of welcome and hospitality. Today, pineapple is a symbol of good […]

Best strategies for a disease-free life

senior couple riding bikes

You don’t have to settle for disease. There are easy natural interventions that can help prevent and heal the diseases that plague people in today’s Western world. Each of these interventions addresses one or more of the primary strategies for becoming disease-free. These strategies are Reducing body inflammation Supporting the immune system Establishing a healthy […]

Are You Suffering from Sleep Deprivation?

stressed man at work with headache

I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”  Is this your motto?  Acknowledging your attitude toward sleep and your state of sleep deprivation is an essential first step to a healthy lifestyle. Our culture and society have seemingly convinced us to deny the very real human need for sleep. Students stay up late studying or doing projects. Workers […]

Salt baths for detoxification

The body’s capacity for detoxification of environmental pollutants is not endless. Daily our exposure to toxic substances is on the rise as new materials and substances are synthesized in chemical laboratories. These chemicals end up in our air, water and food. On average U.S. citizens have residues from over 400 toxic compounds in their bodies […]

Best strategies for kicking the tobacco habit

Cigarette/tobacco smoking is an unhealthy habit and addiction. We all know people who struggle to give it up, sometimes succeeding and sometimes not.  To make sure you are in the success camp, here are the best strategies for kicking the tobacco habit. We all know individuals who become defensive, claiming tobacco smoking is unfairly maligned. […]

Herbs and Essential Oils for Fungal Infections

Anti- fungal herbs and essential oils are the perfect treatment for fungal infections that occur anywhere on the body.  Though the usual place for them is the skin, fungal infections can also infect the lungs, internal organs, throat and mouth.  We are probably more attuned to thinking about bacterial or viral infections, but it is […]

Are Your Allergies Caused by Food Preservatives?

Some of us remember the ‘salad bar’ syndrome of the 1980’s caused by sulfite sprays used on vegetables to keep them ‘fresh’ longer.  All of a sudden the throat and bronchial tubes of some patrons were swelling, and their heads were throbbing, but nobody know why.  Now the FDA requires manufacturers to list sulfites and […]

Do you remember the basics of first aid?

(Health Secrets) Most people have forgotten the first aid knowledge they acquired during scouting.  Add this to the fact that first aid techniques have changed over the years, and often what we do is really based on bad information or old wives tales.  This means it’s time for a refresher so at least one person […]

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